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Maecenas at arcu risus. Donec commodo sodales ex, scelerisque laoreet nibh hendrerit id. In aliquet magna nec lobortis maximus. Etiam rhoncus leo a dolor placerat, nec elementum ipsum convall.

A. Testing for a hereditary cancer risk helps you and your healthcare professional understand your risk so you can make the best choices for preventive care. Knowing your family history is an important first step, but testing can give you a more accurate picture of your risk.

A. Testing for a hereditary cancer helps you and your healthcare professional understand your risk for developing a second primary cancer. This information can allow you to make the best choices for preventive care.

A. While testing is the most accurate way to determine the risk of hereditary cancer, only people who have cancer in their family or a personal history of the disease need to be tested. If you have had cancer and/or cancer runs in your family, let your healthcare professional know. To help you assess whether you may benefit from hereditary cancer genetic testing, take the Myriad Hereditary Cancer Quiz. This simple, 30-second quiz can help you get the information you need to discuss your risk of cancer with your healthcare professional and ask for further evaluation.

A. Ask your healthcare professional if testing is right for you. If so, your healthcare professional will draw a small amount of your blood or take a saliva sample and send it to Myriad Genetic Laboratories for analysis.

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